video camera / ˈvɪd i oʊˌkæm ər ə, ‐ˌkæm rə /


video camera 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a handheld or mounted portable camera intended for recording moving images in digital memory or on videotape.

video camera 近义词

video camera

等同于 electronics

video camera

等同于 camera

video camera 的近义词 4

更多video camera例句

  1. Like so many Masterpiece Classics, the indifferent cinematography gives the impression of video cameras wandering through a stage play.
  2. Teenagers in particular don’t turn their laptop video cameras on — not wanting to show their homes in the background or feeling awkward about showing themselves.
  3. The scientists placed several of the animals in a “rat house,” a small cow shed with video cameras inside.
  4. For the remainder of the material, he traded in his video camera for a pen.
  5. In addition, a video camera was installed on top of the visitor's center, which had a clear view of the instrument platform and one of the support towers.
  6. In the first episode, an officer is shown video of himself shooting and killing a man.
  7. That article noted that the F-35 does not currently have the ability to down-link live video to ground troops,.
  8. Therefore, it is not possible for any F-35 schedule to include a video data link  or infrared pointer at this point.
  9. Nor does the jet have the ability to capture high-definition video, utilize an infra-red pointer.
  10. I've seen video of that satirical guide to SXSW in 1998 where you asked a bunch of bands odd questions.
  11. A leather cased camera was suspended from his bull neck by means of a strap.
  12. He ran from the stamping mill, his camera bobbing from the strap around his neck and his tripod dragging behind him.
  13. In this vicinity are the Burnham beeches, made known almost everywhere by the camera and the brush of the artist.
  14. In fact, if we should peek in the back of the camera, and to do so would ruin the exposure, we could not even see it.
  15. Now if we could look inside the camera and the image were visible, we would see that it was upside down.